Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ground Zero.: Holiday!! Gone T_T

The Story
Ground Zero.: Holiday!! Gone T_T
Jun 10th 2012, 14:28

  In a blink of an eye, 2 weeks of my holiday passed by just like that. I haven't accomplished anything and it is time to go back to school to face the cold hard results...

  I haven't blogged for the past few days. Last saturday (2012/06/02) we had a gathering in 慧恩's house. It was much fun !! I knew that once I've reached there my phone would be harassed if not 'kidnapped' by the photo maniac's (namely Hanni, Yen Yen and Sze Min) :P We just chilled and toy around each other while bullying Bon Hee because his "beloved" Chinese teacher was coming :P Apparently it was a rumor made up by our Hong Yao at the beginning of the year and since then we just picked on him dotting Miss Wong xD Lj's birthday was two days before and we decided to buy a cake and celebrate together... We took a whole bunch of photos and I got the chance to just relax and be myself... Sweet Memories :D

  Then on Thursday, I went to the Festival of God's Power at Bukit Jalil with some of my church mates. Around 8~10k? people were gathered there on that day to see for themselves the miracle of God's hand. Apparently what was funny was there were only 5 female toilets and 2 male toilets. I wonder how so many people could fit it :P ( I didn't use it ). That day was magnificent and I was so amazed by God's power and his unconditional love towards us. I just felt a sense of peace and hope when I'm with God...

  Muahahaaha then came today. One day before school reopen. Another resolution. Keep my room clean :P  { This is so random }

  So that concludes it guys, gonna have to pass back the laptop to the hands of my sister. Off to sleep and looking forward to a great start in this new semester!!

Disclamer : 1. All names used were fictional and 如有雷同,纯粹巧合。 Lol, I don't know how to write that in English.
                  2.  Any sensitive issues will be deleted under request

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